Guide to Leveraging Federal Funding for Sustainable Climate Solutions

Click to read the Guide to Leveraging Federal Funding for Sustainable Climate Solutions

The escalating threats posed by the climate crisis demand swift action from state and local policymakers. An influx of substantial federal funding has created a plethora of opportunities to advance an “all of the above” strategy to implement a blend of established and innovative policies. It's vital to equip leaders nationwide with essential information and resources to capitalize on this moment. To dramatically reduce dirty emissions and achieve clean energy goals, state and local leaders now have new opportunities to pursue new technologies and innovations, drive sustainable practices, and enhance climate resilience. By investing in various sectors, including energy, transportation, and infrastructure, policymakers can drive sustainable economic growth, especially in underserved communities. The following are key takeaways from months of discussions with policymakers and other experts and thought leaders. Let's ensure we take full advantage of recent momentum and maximize the impact of increased federal support for a clean energy future.


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